Saturday, March 10, 2012

Behavioural Economics Twitter highlights (3 Mar-9 Mar 2012)

Behavioural and Behavioral Economics tweets 
Sat 3 Mar-Fri 9 Mar 2012

The summary is posted weekly by People Patterns.  
This post contains a summary of tweets noted in the past week that mentioned behavioural/behavioral economics. Where possible, re-tweets have and tweets without links been removed to condense the list.

I highly recommend the post by @RayPoynter on Behavioural Economics for Market Research.

Tweets with Behavioural Economics (UK spelling)
Where behavioural economics goes wrong 

Apple products as positional goods and advertising meetsbehavioural economics.Read our World Links 

In a field based on making things easy to understand we sure create some interesting/confusing words - Ergopsychonomics

Bounded Rationality and Public Policy: A Perspective fromBehavioural Economics (The Economics of Non-Market Goods ..

great intro vid on Behavioural Economics by Consultant, Qual researcher & BE expert. 

"You care about what the other guy get"; a nice presentation abtbehavioural Economics by Dr Pete Lunn 

Your sign up page might be losing you customers. Get it right withBehavioural economics  

Behavioural Economics in decision making 

So what is Behavioural Economics

[blog] WARC conference: online research now & next   (via )

 You have to register to read the whole thing but this covers the behavioural economics angle

How do populations feel about behavioural economics Ipsos MORI have published an intl study: Acceptable Behaviour?: 

Behavioural Economics blog: February's Most Popular Posts | via 

Great breakdown of 5 concepts from BE confirming what us researchers have always know: people aren't rational! 

Behavioural economics and regulatory overreaction...:

Behavioural Economics for Market Researchers -  - 

Getting your sign-up page right with behavioural economics

What can leaders learn from the field of behavioural economics? -Economics in business  via

Online - Maximising sign-ups – Some help from BehaviouralEconomics  

Tweets with Behavioral Economics (US spelling)

We're All Predictably Irrational - Dan Ariely - Dan Ariely, a professor of behavioral economics at Duke... 

behavioral economics gambling 

Behavioral (health) economics: the context, the medium & the interface for decision making...derived from your wallet:

Excellent talk referencing behavioral economics: Shlomo Benartzi: Saving for tomorrow, tomorrow  

How behavioral economics plays into career choices   
Fascinating! Intersection of behavioral and statistical analysis.  

twitter mood predicts the stock market - behavioral economics (via )

School lunches challenged by USDA to get healthier, thanks to research by Dyson's Center for Behavioral Economics.

As if you didn’t have enough to read: behavioral economics list behavioral science list 

Designers need to understand Behavioral Economics principles.   

$1 FREE Much of his recent work focuses on behavioraleconomics — how psychology drives financial decision-makin...

Applying behavioral economics to museum pricing. Mind = blown. "Mind Games, Museums and Suggested Donations"

Stress Impacts Good Parenting: Behavioral Economics Perspective - Kellogg Foundation 

Economist Shiller discusses housing, stocks, psychology: Much of his recent work focuses on behavioral economics... 

RT : Tim Besley in  on the pros & cons of the behavioral economics wave in development 

Learn German... profit!  Sounds like a plan to me. 

Good video by Dan Ariely (at Duke) about understanding behavioraleconomics:and why people make mistakes buying stuff

Ever wondered why you are drinking THAT beer?
Make It Fun and I Will Do It - Behavioral Economics and Adherence blog features  
RT : The spring issue of EFFECT explores behavioraleconomics and lingering issues from the last recession.

A famous behavioral  paper (from two RSF grantees): Using Behavioral Economics to Increase Employee Saving

Further evidence that the use of behavioral economics in marketing may be here to stay. {bfdd4507-65ac-4f97-a8ac-a016e8…
Just how rational are we? That’s the question at the heart ofbehavioral economics

Poor numeracy 'is ruining lives' |  

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