Friday, June 15, 2012

Behavioural Economics Twitter Highlights 9 June - 15 June 2012

Sat 9 June - Fri 15 June 2012

Posted by Bri Williams @peoplepatterns, this post contains a summary of tweets noted in the past week that mentioned behavioural/behavioral economics. Where possible, re-tweets and tweets without links been removed to condense the list.

Please note due to other commitments this will be the final Twitter wrap from me. However for those who want to get a short & sharp update every month on the top insights in behavioural economics, simply up here for my newsletter...joining takes only a few seconds.  Enjoy!

Tweets with Behavioural Economics (UK spelling)

Fascinating talk on Behavioural Economics with and Professor Daniel Kahneman  
Role 'of behavioural economics as a cheap accompaniment or alternative to traditional policy' | new report 
Last year's awesome  Keynote from Rory Sutherland on applying Behavioural Economics to Affiliate Marketing -
Optimize Your Conversion With Insights From BehaviouralEconomics  via 

Learn  & behavioural economics and what it means for business in a fun one day workshop on 17 Sept 
Bette Golebiowski liked Dark Patterns for Marketers, or: PracticalBehavioural Economics: Taking a systematic…
The secret to business success? 5% technology and 95% psychology |   | Bri@peoplepatterns
 great video on the  about this, always use when doing behavioural and nudge economics
Making dough from the right behaviour 
  Behavioural Economics and EU Competition Law: Knocking on Open Doors? The Case of Art. 102 TFEU Interesting,
Can behavioural economics make us healthier? | BMJ
There are no rules for engagement, just like war has no script.Economics remains a behavioural  RT ...
My blog: Should  focus on C2C rather than B2C? Behavioural Economics   
 1st link @ the top. Friends of yours or just random coincidence? 
Our Behavioural Economics Seminar with the Canadian Marketing Association is now live. We are excited to have an audi…
Magnificently insightful & charismatic talk on persuasion /behavioural economics / decision making by 
Daniel Kahneman (father of behavioural economics) interviewed on ABC's . [JP] 
Currently reading 'Behavioural economics: Seven principles for policy makers' by  
What is behavioural economics? 
Mind-map displaying the 8 Principles of Behavioural Economics:
behavioural economics: Anchoring in Asia
Behavioural Economics: The chocolate machine that improves (?) willpower 
Behavioural economics: The potential for social persuasion, Facebook and organ donation 
Behavioural economics: Highly effective (IMO) ad about wearing a seat belt 
Added to art/music with behavioural economics theme, third movement of Steve Reich's Desert Music
Neve reading a classic Behavioural Economics text (not set-up :))
Behavioural Economics for Marketing  via
Tugging on the  heartstrings: effective ways for charities to motivate people into giving  
's Sloan: But using insight from behavioural economics, let customers compare energy use to neighbours to drive behaviour
Absolute beginners: behavioural economics and human happiness
 v behavioural . Bad hair, fashion, , no, you get the picture. Over to Leigh 
RT : Behavioural economics: the Kylie Minogue of market research    
jonah lehrer in the new yorker on the behavioral economics behind wine: 
Behavioral economics has a new testing ground: the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics in Nairobi, Kenya.
BSSR lecture Series: Behavioral Economics, Classical Economics, Public Policy, Politics, and Health 
Event TODAY  & : how to square consumer protections with insights from behavioral economics?
Beyond reminders and incentives, adherence requires that consumers place a high value on their prescriptions
Thx for snapping! RT : Behavioral economics in a subway station in Barcelona 
  Behavioral Economics And Economic Man Essay 
Hayek and Behavioral Economics 
James Surowiecki: Greece, the euro, and behavioral economics. via 
 Behavioral economics and barriers to patient engagement
Behavioral Economics & Joseph Schumpeter Lectures 2001: Psychological foundations of incentives Ernst Fehr, Armin Falk
Also see our paper “Health Insurance Coverage and Take-Up: Lessons from Behavioral Economics” 
Fantastic summary of a complex topic. Financial Services&Behavioral Economics: Busting The Myth Of Consumer Rationality 
FYI for our EMS college-bound 08's: "It's a law of behavioraleconomics that people miss only tangi
Behavioral economics important to driving success 
Behavioral economists have uncovered strong evidence that rational decision making is often an illusion 
President Doug Ghertner discusses the role of behavioraleconomics and transparency in benefits strategy in...
"Behavioral Economics in ..." post by  Great recap!  &
Rational choice theory is outdated. Behavioral economics is the wave of the future. Case in point: 
Some challenges with directive approaches to . People make decisions when a problem arises not due to the risks
BSSR lecture Series: Behavioral Economics, Classical Economics, Public Policy, Politics, and Health 
Clockwork Orange as an original critique of behavioral economics. . . via 
RT  Nudge blog · Where is behavioraleconomics headed in the world of marketing? - 
Learn how behavioral economics can help develop your P-O-P messaging strategy at our next I-Seminar, 6/28. Details:
Behavioral Economics Key To Success In Medication Adherence Solutions.   
  investigates the potential for  to transform   
A very incomplete summary of day 1: Behavioral economics at 
[New Post] Behavioral Economics, Bloomberg and Fat Loss
Marketers are masters of Behavioral Economics >> Are We a Society of Cell Phone Suckers?  (via)
Behavioral Economics, Marketing, Loyalty and the Customer Experience  via 
Behavioral economics and pre-paid phones. A rare case for paying the costs upfront 
List of Most Common Behavioral Economics Obstacles | Bounded Rationality and Beyond 
Reading "toward a positive theory of consumer choice" - Thaler (1978), primary thought leader on behavioral economics
"what is the difference between behavioral economics and i/o psychology?" 
Survey: we need a nudge of behavioral economics to crack this energy problem (peak at neighbors?)  as does
Great idea from AllEarth Renewables.. Understanding thebehavioral economics here is powerful-policymakers take note.
“The Power of Suggestion  "
Ingenious app helps you impulse _save_  Making the most of a hot zone  #behavioral#economics  
Tugging on the  heartstrings: effective ways for charities to motivate people into giving  
☞ The Sidebar: A Flood of Fossil Fuel and the BehavioralEconomics of Soda Bans 
Behavioral biases at work. Facebook IPO Meets BehavioralEconomics  

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