Friday, June 8, 2012

Behavioural Economics Twitter Highlights Sat 2 June - Fri 8 June 2012

Sat 2 June - Fri 8 June 2012

Posted weekly by Bri Williams @peoplepatterns, this post contains a summary of tweets noted in the past week that mentioned behavioural/behavioral economics. Where possible, re-tweets and tweets without links been removed to condense the list.

For those who want to get a short & sharp update every month on the top insights in behavioural economics, simply up here for my newsletter...joining takes only a few seconds.  Enjoy!

Tweets with Behavioural Economics (UK spelling)

The Cognitive Microfoundations Project: a behavioural economicsworld tour 
Overview of Behavioural Economics by one of our colleagues at GfK, Professor Peter Ayton  
Missed last month's Behavioural Economics webinar? We've posted the recording:
Fascinating paper by Gregor Hasler on links between behaviouraleconomics and psychiatry.
Behavioural Economics in action in the final of the Apprentice
Our waitress has been reading too much weird behaviouraleconomics guff. She just touched me. Ugh. 

“Post-Doctoral position - Institutional & Behavioural Economicsgroup” 

Another application of behavioural economics: how to make your charity count. 
Science! paying for research: there is a curious result in behaviouraleconomics, which shows tha...  MoveForward-->

Matt Dobbin: Behavioural Economics 
The NYC mayor knows a thing or two about behaviouraleconomics. Didn't agree w/  mocking this decision: 
Behavioural_Economics_and_Public_Policy.pdf | 
Dan Ariely's new book is out today - love is work in behaviouraleconomics - witty writer too. 
Possibly one of the most convincing books ever?? or not? BehaviouralEconomics theory reflect on the views of poverty
Hedonomics – The (Behavioural) Economics of Happiness -
Get people to do stuff; Lessons from fitness industry on behaviouralchg - essential for all biz  behavioural economics
ZMT-Bremen looking for Post-Doctoral position for Institutional &Behavioural Economics group | +info @ IASC-COMMONS:
Principles of Behavioural Economics for Marketing
: Help your prospect do the maths that convince them of the value of your product 
: How does your business help your customer solve his/her real problem to achieve what they really want? 
What business are you really in? 
A view on Happiness by the father of Behavioural Economics, Daniel Kahneman:  
Evolving Economics: A critique of behavioural economics from 1988 
How can Behavioural Finance and Behavioural Economics can be applied on a practical level?: 
 Greek bailout and behavioural economics. Very interesting read.
Optimize Your Conversion With Insights From BehaviouralEconomics (via 
Avoiding pointless TV and listening to Prof. Paul Dolan on "Absolute Beginners - behavioural economics " courtesy of
What is behavioural economics? W. Gordon gives a clear picture |
Artiste on behavioural economics at Digital Shoreditch 
Behavioural economics, QR Guinness and death metal. Visualisation of  
Really insightful talk by  about behavioural economics  
Recruitment: Work and play | The Economist Games, big data, behavioural economics for get serious
Yes, Google, I am sure! Now do one. Example for the BehaviouralEconomics wall of shame. 
The CFO in the Corporate Brain: A Nobel Prize-winning economist has some ideas that help explain how a CFO ... 
Are women who carry fake designer handbags big liars | Fox News: Dan Ariely, a Professor of Behavioral Economics...
BSSR lecture Series: Behavioral Economics, Classical Economics, Public Policy, Politics, and Health...
The Economics of Change: One of the basic premises ofbehavioral economics is that people are ri... 

Leverage behavioral economics to improve business   

Never thought I'd see   & dental hygiene together. MT":..Floss Wagon "
For all those interested in Behavioral Economics - a great book had been published just recently:
Solving Happiness   Govt imposed happiness based on behavioral economics & neuropsychology. Great subject

Deloitte's  investigates the emerging trend of behavioraleconomics and its potential to transform policymaking
The behavioral economics of birth control: “IUDs and implants are more effective because women can forget about them”
What Can Sports Tell Us about Behavioral Economics, the latest TRCblog entry from Bob Hull    

In Behavioral Economics, being Circumcised is all that Matters to Embroil in Fake  & Violent 
On Capital Markets, Confidence Tricks, And Criminals: The ascendency of behavioral economics over its “Classical...
As biz people we forget that our job is behavioural change behavioral economics
On Capital Markets, Confidence Tricks, And Criminals: The ascendency of behavioral economics ove...  via Hedge
James Surowiecki: Greece, the euro, and behavioral economics. via 
Are women who carry fake designer handbags big liars? - Dan Ariely, a Professor of Behavioral Economics at Duke Univ...
A marketer's guide to behavioral economics - McKinsey Quarterly - Sales - Strategy 
Market Research Lessons Learned From Behavioral Economics ...: This is troubling for market researchers, since i... 
   Arming the Donkeys - Dan Ariely, Professor ofBehavioral Economics, Duke University: Dan Ar...
 student Brent Abel on retail food placement: "REVAMPING THE COMMONS" - 
Reframing Health Behavior Change with Behavioral Economics:Behavioral economics is a rapidly developing area of...
A sensible, informed behavioral economics take on Big Soda from Brian Wanink and David Just. Bad idea.
Work your knowledge of behavioral economics to bring in the bacon. 
Check out my latest blog entry. What Can Sports Tell Us aboutBehavioral Economics? - TRC Blog 
Using Principles of Behavioral Economics to Mitigate Drug Shortages  
Behavioral Economics of Intrinsic Motivation Remastered     
On the effectiveness of incentives: Behavioral economics at Starbucks  via  
Does Chatter Really Matter? Dynamics of User-Generated Content and Stock Performance- a “+” for behavioral economics
Great insights and clear explainations of behavioral economics in George Soros' Speech On Europe 
 The importance of this question cannot be understated. Applying Behavioral Economics (BE) to help my clients...
 Behavioral economics PDF Book :) Perfect :)  
Articles - Behavioral economics: what it is and three ways marketers can use it
An essential reading list for the enlightened  
"the toolkit of the modern designer is rapidly expanding. BehavioralEconomics sheds light on the factors that...
Awesome - explains some core concepts of behavioral economicsin cartoons 
Video of behavioral economics pioneer Daniel Kahneman on the Trap of ‘Thinking That We Know’ 
Interesting: "people tend to work harder to avoid losses than they do to pursue gains."
Call for contributed talks for Latsis Symposium at ETH Zurich.Behavioral Economics, Systemic Risk, Economic Networks |
Will  revolutionize (behavioral) psychology andeconomics? 
Anthropology of an Idea: Behavioral Economics
Grexit and behavioral economics: a fixation on fairness can make agreement impossible.

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